COTE Foliar (Limited Quantities!)

COTE Foliar (Limited Quantities!)

160 oz package -  2 oz/acre

Key Benefits

• Wettable powder that mixes immediately with water and stays in suspension for days

• Patented Microplastic-Free for Foliar applications

• Compatible with herbicides, fungicides and nutritional foliar products

• 100% renewable soy protein product 

COTE™ is a patented microplastic free, innovative, liquid product made to be blended with other foliar product to enhance their production at an inexpensive per acre cost. You will find COTE cleaner, safer and greener to use.

Application Instructions


Make this the last treatment so it is on the outermost part of all treatments, taking advantage of the superior seed lubricity from the DUST product.

May be applied with other registered seed treatment insecticides and fungicides. Under moderate to severe pressure, for improved performance, use product in a program with other registered insecticides effective against corn rootworm for seed treatment.


Simply sprinkle over entire top of corn in planter box. Best practice is to work it around with your hands or a stirring tool.

For Northern, Southern and Western Corn Rootworm - 0.5 oz per unit of seed


ProBoxes - Sprinkle product over the entire top of the probox. Dump full probox into an empty probox and back into the original probox. Done.

For Northern, Southern and Western Corn Rootworm - 0.5 oz per unit of seed

(One Unit of seed is equal to 80,000 kernels)

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