Terrasym 410 + DUST™ (for Cotton)
Terrasym 410 + DUST™ (for Cotton)
Application Instructions
Application Instructions
Make this the last treatment so it is on the outermost part of all treatments, taking advantage of the superior seed lubricity from the DUST product.
May be applied with other registered seed treatment insecticides and fungicides. Under moderate to severe pressure, for improved performance, use product in a program with other registered insecticides effective against corn rootworm for seed treatment.
Simply sprinkle over entire top of corn in planter box. Best practice is to work it around with your hands or a stirring tool.
For Northern, Southern and Western Corn Rootworm - 0.5 oz per unit of seed
ProBoxes - Sprinkle product over the entire top of the probox. Dump full probox into an empty probox and back into the original probox. Done.
For Northern, Southern and Western Corn Rootworm - 0.5 oz per unit of seed
(One Unit of seed is equal to 80,000 kernels)
Product Label
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What Farmers are Saying About NewFields Ag:
Jeff Pritcahrd, Pritchard Ag LLC:
"Whether it is the Boss B4, the Terrasym, Envita, Phenom, we're really excited about all the opportunities that those products offer our growers to get better yields, to fix problems. There are so many great things coming that we can use to get better."
Trenton Carley, Full Throttle Farms:
"I really like that NewFields has everything from dry planter box to some liquid options. This gives us a range to pick from so as we match those products up to the customer, they're able to integrate that in pretty seamlessly with that they're already doing. Having the ability to dump the products in the planter box has been real easy for those guys who are used to doing that. We also have the farms that are already running an in-furrow starter it has been easy to just change the mix up a little bit, throw it in the tank and away they go. "